Click Records under DNS from the menu bar.
Your domain probably has MX records setup already, you can click Edit one of your existing MX records to replace them with our MX servers.
Use the following values to edit your existing record:
After editing your existing MX records, save your changes. Edit only the MX records, no other changes are required.
Los cambios a sus registros MX pueden tomar 24 - 48 horas antes que todas las computadora en Internet vean la actualización, sus niveles de spam decrecerán lentamente durante este tiempo. Si continua recibiendo altos volúmenes de spam después de 48 horas, por favor contáctenos para asistirlo.You should not experience any errors after making these changes, if your email starts to have problems an error has been made which you will need to investigate or rollback the changes made.
Updated 2024/05/31
Copyright © 2006 - 2025 MXGuarddog - Dejando entrar al correo bueno, manteniendo fuera al correo malo.