A group is a single email address that splits out to multiple recipients. They can go by different names depending on your email platform, common names include groups, distribution group or distribution list. They all function essentially the same way.
In order to receive messages from the Internet you must define all email addresses with MX Guarddog. A group address must also be defined with us, it may not have a mailbox on your server but you must still list it as an active email address at your domain.
An exception to this rule is when your group does not accept email via the Internet. An example of this is on MS Exchange, a group may only accept mail from an authenticated user. In that case the email address would not need to be listed with MX Guarddog.
MX Guarddog sees your group only as an email address, we have no knowledge of your group members. Group membership is managed at your server only. Use your email server software to manage the members of your group. There is no action needed at MX Guarddog when you add or remove members from your group.
MX Guarddog sends by default one quarantine report to every email address per day. This would include group email addresses on your server. There are a few way to deal with quarantine reports for your group.
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